作者:admin 發布時間:2020-07-18 19:17 浏覽次(cì)數 :
本公司生産的系列自力式微壓(yā)調節閥是一種無需外(wài)來(lái)能源的 節(jiē)能型産品,利用工業管道中介質的(de)壓力變化與信号(hào)進行(háng)比(bǐ)較, 使被調節介質的力與執行機構的輸出(chū)力平衡,以達到穩定壓(yā)力、 差壓值。
The series of self operated micro pressure regulating valve produced by the company is an energy-saving product without external energy. The pressure change and signal of the medium in the process pipe- line are compared to make the force of the regulated medium and the output force of the actuator balance, so as to achieve stable pressure and differential pressure.