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作者:admin    發布時間:2020-07-18 19:21     浏覽次數 :

本公司生産的系列單座(zuò)調節(jiē)閥,采用(yòng)頂部導向(xiàng)平(píng)衡籠(lóng)式結構, 具有高強度、重載荷(hé)、S型流道、壓降損失小、流量系數大、可 調範圍(wéi)廣、流量特性精度高(gāo)。此調(diào)節閥适用于工況壓差較小的場 合(hé),關閉嚴密,适用于(yú)對介質流量(liàng)或者壓力(lì)的調節。 

The series of single seat-control valves produced by the Company adopt top guide balanced cage structure, with high strength, heavy load, S-shaped flow passage, small pressure drop loss, large flow coe- f ficient, wide adjustable range and high flow characteristic accuracy. This control valve is suitable for the occasion with small working condition pressure difference and it can close tightly.It is suitable

