您的位置(zhì): 主頁 > 産品展示 > 金屬類控制閥(fá) > 氣動(dòng)活塞切斷閥


作者:admin    發布時間:2020-07-18 19:14     浏覽次數 :

本公司生産的系列氣動活塞切斷閥是屬于(yú)組合(hé)儀表中的執行(háng) 單(dān)元。它接收來自調節儀表的信号,控制工藝管道内流(liú)體的切斷 與接(jiē)通。該系列閥具有設計新穎,流阻小、額定流量系數大、用(yòng) 壓差(chà)大、密封(fēng)性能好等優點。因而本(běn)産品廣泛應用于石油、化工、 冶金、電力、輕(qīng)紡等工業部(bù)門的生産過程自(zì)動控制與(yǔ)遠程控制系 統中(zhōng)。 

The series of pneumatic piston cut-off valves produced by the company belong to the execution unit in the combination instrument.The valve receives the signal from the regulating instrument and controls the cut-off and connection of the fluid in the process pipeline.This series of valves have the advantages of novel design, small flow resistance, large rated flow coeff cient, large allowable pressure difference, good sealing performance, etc.Therefore, this product is widely used in the automatic control and remotecontrol system of production process of petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, light textile and other industrial sectors.

